New To Solarpunk?

For those new to solarpunk, I recommend watching this insightful video on the subject. While I find the background video clips distracting, the content offers valuable perspectives. The video begins by contrasting certain concepts with solarpunk ideals.

Iโ€™ve included the video for you to watch, and have provided a summary of its key points below.

Concepts that Conflict With Solarpunk

The video outlined some concepts that conflict with solarpunk and why. I have transcribed these here for your reference.


Capitalism conflicts with solarpunk because it incentivizes individuals to extract more than they contribute, at the expense of other people and the planet. Additionally, profit motives lead to overproduction and planned obsolescence, which wastes resources.

While transitions toward sustainability can occur within the present capitalist economy, it's largely considered incompatible in the long term with a society in which resources are consumed and replenished responsibly.

This is because capitalism is a zero-sum system. Corporations and businesses underpaying workers, including outsourcing, is how shareholders and management can rake in such huge bonuses.


Ecofascism blames climate change on overpopulation and asserts that population control is a best path to prevent further climate change. Ecofascism goes together with eugenics, which in turn is based in racism, ableism, and classism. If you believe that reducing the population is necessary, a group of people must be selected to have their population reduced, which is eugenics.

There is no place for ecofascism in solarpunk because there's no place for racism, ableism, or classism in solarpunk.


Greenwashing is a marketing strategy companies use to make customers think their product is more environmentally friendly than it is. This marketing tactic profits on people's desire to protect the environment without the company putting in the money and effort to make meaningful improvements. When you see something being marketed as green, make sure to investigate the details and think about what is not being said.


Anarcho-primitivism is a movement towards anarchist, pre-industrial, and often pre-agricultural ways of living. Anarcho-primitivism asserts that social injustice was initiated or exacerbated by agriculture and later by industrialization. Anarcho-primitivism is the least controversial of these conflicting concepts, but often drives debates between those who embrace technology as a tool for solving social and environmental problems and those who embrace traditional or existing tools.

Because of the variety in style and technological development found within solarpunk, anarcho-primitivism represents an extreme end of a spectrum in which the dividing line is a frequent subject of friendly debate. Common critiques of the anarcho-primitivism center around misanthropy against humanity, romanticization of indigenous culture, and ableism.

Additionally, solarpunk is conceived as being high tech where sensible, while anarcho-primitivism demands low tech or no tech. There may be some aesthetic overlap between the two depending on your favorite flavor of solarpunk.

Solarpunk is not primitivist.

Steps to Solarpunk

  1. Educate Yourself: Learn about sustainability, renewable energy sources like solar power, and permaculture principles. Understanding the environmental impact of your actions can guide you towards more sustainable choices.

  2. Assess Your Lifestyle: Evaluate your current lifestyle and identify areas where you can reduce your carbon footprint. This could involve reducing waste, conserving water, and using energy more efficiently.

  3. Embrace Renewable Energy: If possible, install solar panels on your home or choose a green energy provider. Use energy-efficient appliances and LED lighting to minimize electricity use.

  4. Support Local Economies: Shop at farmers' markets, buy from local artisans, and support businesses that prioritize sustainability in their practices.

  5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Minimize waste by reducing consumption, reusing items when possible, and recycling materials properly.

  6. Grow Your Own Food: Start a vegetable garden or grow herbs indoors to reduce the environmental impact of food transportation and embrace local, seasonal produce.

  7. Incorporate Green Spaces: Design your living space or community to include green roofs, community gardens, and urban treescapes. These not only contribute to biodiversity but also improve air quality and provide cooling effects in urban environments.

  8. Choose Sustainable Transportation: Walk, cycle, use public transportation, or carpool when possible. If you drive an electric vehicle, even better.

  9. Advocate for Policy Change: Support legislation and initiatives that promote renewable energy, sustainable development, and environmental protection.

  10. Engage with the Community: Connect with others who are interested in sustainability. Share ideas, skills, and resources to foster a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

  11. Adopt Sustainable Fashion: Choose clothing made from sustainable materials, buy second-hand, or participate in clothes-sharing initiatives.

  12. Promote Biodiversity: Plant native species, create habitats for wildlife, and avoid using harmful pesticides and herbicides in your garden or on your property.

  13. Innovate and Create: Use your skills to design, build, or support projects that embody solarpunk principles. This could be anything from upcycling furniture to designing a community wind turbine.

  14. Reflect Diversity and Inclusion: Ensure that the spaces you design and the stories you tell reflect the diversity of the world's populations and promote social justice.

By taking these steps, you can move towards a more solarpunk lifestyle, one that is not only sustainable but also beautiful, diverse, and full of potential for a better future.